your online source for all things Simone

More behind the scenes pictures from the “Abyss of Time” music video are available in our gallery : view them all here.

More promotional photos by Tim Tronckoe are also slowly surfacing. You can view them all here in the gallery. I really like these new photos, once more Tim knew how to capture Simone’s beauty in these shots.

Abyss of Time, the first single from Ωmega, was released today, as well as a stunning music video created by Dariusz Szermanowicz (Grupa 13). It’s a very catchy song, and Simone looks like a goddess in various outfits by Katarzyna Konieczka ! You can watch the video in our media center, and see screencaptures in our gallery. I also added the lyrics to our song database.

A few behind the scenes pictures are also available in our gallery : view the pictures.

The official site was revamped today to promote the new album and single.

Promotional photos by Tim Tronckoe and Stefan Heilemann for Ωmega were released. I added a few here in the gallery and I will add more as soon as I find them in good quality.

I will update the Ωmega section with all the versions available for pre-order (CD, earbook, box, vinyls, bundles…) and more info very soon. Stay tuned !